"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.."
2 Timothy 3v16

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Discipleship Course - Levels 1&2

Our discipleship and mentoring programs are designed to foster personal spiritual growth and train participants to minister effectively both within the church and outside of it. The basic thrust of the training is to teach what Jesus taught - that which took men who were fishermen, tax collectors, plain ordinary men & women, etc, and transformed them into reproductive, effective and powerful believers.

Course Content:

1. Foundation of Faith
2. Basic Bible Survey
3. Kingdom Living
4. The Old Testament
5. The New Testament
6. Knowing God's Voice
7. Mobilisation
8. Biblical Theology.

Available in other Languages:

The above listed courses are also available in the following languages: Cebuano (Philippines), Chichewa, Chinese, French, Portugese, Russian, Sinhala, Spanish, tagalog, tamil, Thai & Urdu. Courses in Other languages are under development at this time.

Course Duration:

Tenure: Open Plan
Student study at own pace.


Tuiton Fee: FREE on all courses
Course Admin Fee Per Course: £100/ €120/$130 USD
All administration fees are due payable at the onset of the course.

Multiple Studies Option

Students may enrol for several modules at the same time as per their ability and time available for studies. Students must ensure that they carry out all the practical assignments associated with their course(s).


Theory: 40%
Practical: 60%
Passmark: 70% & Above.

Certificates Issued

Certificate of completion is issued to all participants/students upon completion of each course and having satisfactorilly met all the specified course requirements. All examinations, report and assignments must be submitted to the Apostolic examiner's office. Certifcates are issued upon completion.

Diploma Issues

Certificates are issued upon completion of four courses offered by FLFC through SFF Global.

Moderator/Mentor Assignment:

Each student is assigment a course moderator or mentor who will guide, direct, support and assist students in their chosen course or courses. The mentor will offer support via email, Skype, WhatsApp or via other available media format at the mutual convenience of the student & mentor. Students are expected to be self driven and have local support at their own church/ministry to assist them in their Christian educational pursuit.

Course Sponsor/Modules

All our courses are offered by Faith Life Academy and SFF Global in partnership with other Christian educational resource providers. Course materials produced by Harvettime International form a significant part of the course materials offered. SFF collegiate members using our academic models all use the same materials. The course content are copyright restricted.

Age Requirement:

Students must not be less than 18 years of age. Must be literate and have a sound understanding & command of the English language for ease of learning & tutorial support. Courses are available in other languages. Limited tutorial support are available in foreign languages.

How to register for this course?


The Faith Life Family Church
We are a warm and friendly relevant church, founded on the foundation of the LOVE of CHRIST. As Christ's Ambassadors, we promote Righteousness, Justice, Love & Truth. We are called to spread the GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST all over the earth.

UK Fax: +44 (0)131 608 1036

Email: [email protected]

Network Connection
Ministry Corner
Network Affairs