Dear friend,
Join us in praying this prayer for Ukraine and Israel who are at war presently.
"Lord GOD, you have done great things for us and you are doing great things for us.
We thank you and we praise your great and glorious Name!
We pray that your Name would be exalted over UKRAINE & ISRAEL.
We pray in Jesus' Name. Amen!"


The Greater Life Church is a warm and friendly, relevant church, founded on the foundation of the LOVE of CHRIST. As Christ's Ambassadors, we promote Righteousness, Justice, Love & Truth. We walk by faith and not by sight. We are a non-denominational relevant church.

We are a church without walls meeting at venues, online & homes, for worship & fellowship.

We are Spirit led & Spirit filled. We fellowship as one big family. We are family centred, loving, caring and a people minded church. We are a mission minded church. We are a Pentecostal, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, vibrant and all inclusive Christian church. We embrace and welcome all God's people regardless of their colour, ethnicity, background, ability or disability. We welcome refugees and asylum seekers to our church. We particularly go out of our way to embrace and include people who have physical or mobility challenges and we are intentionally sensitive to their welfare and prayer needs.


We are church soldiers totally focused on carrying out the GREAT COMMISSION [Matthew 28v18-19], called to go and make disciples of all nations, bapstising them in the name of the Father, Son & The Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded.


We are an END TIME CHURCH operating in accordance with the promises stated in the Book of Joel. - [Joel 2v28-29] We are a Kingdom come, Spirit Guided, Non-Denominational, Independent and Second Coming focused church that is called to SAVE SOULS, search for and find the lost [Ezekiel 34v7] and enable the earth to be in readiness for the Kingdom come.


We stand shoulder to shoulder with the nation of ISRAEL in accordance with the scriptures. We stand with Israel and we pray for the PEACE, REDEMPTION & SALVATION of Israel. We pray daily for the PEACE of Jerusalem. As it is written; "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; May those who love you be secure." - [Psalm 122:5-7] "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent" [Isaiah 62:1]
For more on ISRAEL: Click Here For More Info!

We are called to search for the lost, hea the broken and enable the earth to be in readiness for the Kingdom come. Below is a brief outline of the things we are collectively called to do for God:


1. We are called to carry out the great commission of saving souls & touching lives for God.
2. We are called to evangelise all nations & peoples.
3. We encourage prolific church planting and expansion of the Kingdom of God.
4. We take a strong stand against DOMESTIC VIOLENCE and seek to eradicate it within the church & in the wider society.
5. We train and release missionaries for the nations.
6. We present a relevant Jesus that is approachable and loving.
7. we stand on our faith & belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
8. We develop a strong prayer chain & partnerships within the body of Christ.
9. We develop educational programs that assist us to train leaders, missionaries and ministers who have a heart for saving souls and caring for the people of God.
10. We grant Spiritual covering to churches, pastors, ministers & leaders who are raised within our fellowship & wider network.
11. We reject dogmatic religion/faith at all levels.
12. We work in partnership with other like minded ministers & churches to strengthen our walk with Christ.
14. We submit to God, we submit to the Elders who oversee us & we submit to Biblical truth.
15. We prepare the Saints & the nations for the 2nd coming of the Lord.
16. We are called to stand up for the nation of Israel and to pray for the PEACE of Jerusalem (Psalm 122).

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